"You can't use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have."
Maya Angelou
I teach courses and lead workshops on creative writing, comedy and performance all over the UK and online. Here is what I offer:
Exploring Creative Writing
A practical exploration of the different genres and media and how to approach writing them. Find the one which suits you and find out how to get published or broadcast.
Get Started in Comedy Writing
A hands-on course on the essential short forms of comedy: sketches, quickies and jokes. Learn how to be funny and make sales.
Creative Writing for Beginners
Take your first steps in creative writing in this inspiring and supportive ten week class.
Flash Fiction
A hands-on workshop on writing this vibrant and accessible literary form in which many writers are achieving their first publication.
I also teach these appreciation courses on subjects I am passionate about:
Women in Comedy
A close look at the great female comedians, from Elsie and Doris Waters to Victoria Wood.
The Story of Sitcom
The origins and growth of one of the great art forms of the twentieth century.
The Globe: Crucible of the Modern World
The extraordinary story of the playhouse in which Shakespeare first produced Hamlet.
09/01/23 for 10 weeks
Richmond & Hillcroft Adult Education College
Parkshot campus, Richmond, London
11/01/23 for 10 weeks
Richmond & Hillcroft Adult Education College
Hillcroft campus, London
Creative Writing - Exploring Creative Writing (rhacc.ac.uk)
To enquire about any of my courses, please go to Contacts
Here are some of the venues and festivals in which I have taught or led workshops:
Richmond and Hillcroft Adult Community College
Denman College
Higham Hall College
Felixstowe Book Festival
Weaver Words Festival
Appledore Book Festival
Swanwick Writers' Summer School
Belstead House
Richmond Library
The Hill College